If a change from the original room set-up is required on the day of the function, a labor charge will be added to the banquet check.
The Hotel may request that the customer obtain and pay for bonded security personnel when valuable merchandise or exhibits are displayed or held overnight in the Hotel. The Hotel will not be responsible for any items left unattended in any of the conference room areas.
Function guests will be admitted to the banquet room and expected to depart at the times stated on the contract.
The customer is responsible for the arrangements and all expenses of shipping materials, merchandise, exhibits, or any other items to and from the Hotel. The Hotel must be notified in advance of shipping arrangements to ensure proper acceptance of the items upon arrival at the Hotel.
All cardboard boxes must be broken down and placed in the cardboard receptacle. Absolutely no cardboard is allowed in the dumpster. Failure to dispose of cardboard properly will result in a $150 fee. Please make your caterer and other sub-contractors aware of this policy.
The Hotel is not responsible for damage to, or loss of, any items left in the Hotel prior to, or following, any function.
The customer is responsible and shall reimburse the Hotel for: any damage, loss or liability incurred by the Hotel by any of the customer's guests, or any person or organization contracted by the customer to provide any services or goods before, during, or after the function.
Any items to be attached to any meeting room or lobby walls, or any directional signs, must be approved by the Hotel. Painter's tape must be used. No Duct tape on the carpet or walls. Candles may be used, but care must be taken to ensure that wax doesn't get on the table linens or the carpet.
It is the customer's responsibility to advise all parties (e.g. caterer, disc jockey, florist, etc.) of these policies.
Should alcoholic beverages be served, it is the customer's responsibility to provide a liquor license. The customer is responsible to insure that guests drink in a responsible manner. The Hotel will not be responsible for any incident or accident relating to the serving of alcohol.
The Hotel shall not be liable for non-performance of this contract when such non-performance is attributable to labor troubles, disputes or strikes; accidents; government (federal, state and municipal) regulations of, or restriction upon, travel or transportation; non-availability of food, beverage or supplies; riots; national emergencies; acts of God; and other causes whether enumerated herein or not, which are beyond the reasonable control of the Hotel, preventing or interfering with the Hotel's performance.